Will IRS Incompetence Cost You?


Will IRS Incompetence Cost You?

If the IRS struggles to handle its growing responsibilities, many experts fear that the lack of resources will make life more difficult for taxpayers — not just for the agency itself. Previous budget cuts impaired the IRS’s ability to assist taxpayers and collect taxes. Unfortunately, the IRS has a history of failing to strengthen data protections, allocating its resources inappropriately and declining to update the main computer system, regardless of funding.

At Polston Tax, we can help you navigate dealings with the IRS. We are experienced in helping our clients reach the tax resolution that is right for them. If you are concerned about an error you believe the IRS has made, reach out to us to work with an experienced tax attorney.

Past IRS Hiring Freeze

Past IRS Hiring Freeze

The IRS has previously faced budget and personnel challenges in fulfilling its duties and meeting its mission. From 2012 to 2021, the full-time equivalent positions within the IRS dropped by 12.9%. To cope with budget decreases, the IRS cut training and travel expenses and implemented a hiring freeze. Some employees were offered early retirements and buyouts.

This meant the IRS was being asked to do more but didn’t have the employees needed to handle the increasing role. The result for taxpayers meant longer delays, more mistakes and greater difficulty communicating with the agency.

IRS Hiring More Agents

However, more recently, the IRS has been hiring more agents. Currently, both full-time equivalent positions and operating costs are on the upswing. As of 2022, the IRS is hiring 470 revenue agents. These agents specialize in examining or auditing individuals and businesses across the nation. In August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act authorized nearly $80 billion to the IRS during the next 10 years. Some of these funds will be used for tax enforcement activities like providing legal support, purchasing investigative technology and hiring more enforcement agents.

Even though the IRS is currently hiring more agents, you may still face delays, mistakes and communication difficulties with the IRS. If this is the case, turn to a trusted tax attorney at Polston Tax for assistance. With our IRS account investigation service, we can help you figure out your tax situation and address IRS-related errors.

Contact Us at Polston Tax to Learn More About Prospect Tax Services

Like any agency, the IRS sometimes makes mistakes. Unfortunately, these mistakes can cost you, the taxpayer. If you believe the IRS is mistakenly charging you extra interest, penalties or taxes you do not actually owe, you still have options to correct an IRS-related error. Even if you collect the applicable documents to prove your case and receive a determination, the IRS may not offer the resolution you are looking for.

If you are in this situation, we recommend seeking assistance from a tax attorney who can help you negotiate with the IRS and reach a fair settlement. We can help you gather the documentation you may need to prove your case, including documentation on the following information:

  • Tax liens
  • Amounts owed
  • Tax return status
  • Missing tax forms
  • Bankruptcy analyses
  • Interest and penalties

A tax attorney can offer you representation in tax court and fight against the IRS decision. At Polston Tax, we can help you determine whether a mistake was made on your taxes. If you’re facing an IRS dispute, contact us today to hire an experienced tax attorney from Polston Tax. Give us a call, and let us deal with the IRS on your behalf!

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