Jason Abshire

Tax Accountant


Jason is from Moore, Oklahoma and has lived there for 29 years. Jason graduated from Mid-America Christian University with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Jason started tax prep with a small, in-home tax business 13 years ago. Mixed with over 17 years of experience in insurance, he found himself helping clients protect their assets while helping with their tax needs. He recognized how he can help make a difference in their lives by easing that burden through tax preparation.

Jason has two kids, Josiah who is 15 years old, and Jocelyn who is 12 years old. When Jason isn’t at work helping his clients, you can find him spending time with his kids and boyfriend. Some hobbies he enjoys are cooking, game nights, going out with friends, singing, and playing the piano. His biggest accomplishment is seeing the success of his two kids, they bring the most joy to his life! One thing you’d be surprised to learn about Jason is that he has performed in a couple of different local bands, including weddings, coffee shops, charity events, and church!


We Speak English and Spanish

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