What Our Clients Are Saying


I am very grateful for all the hard work and effort put in by Rod Polston’s team towards a very  favorable outcome of my tax issues. Rod Polston and his firm are fantastic, and I would highly recommend anyone with tax issues contact their firm for representation. I have had a great deal of stress lifted off of me now that my tax issues have been resolved. God bless the Polston Tax Team!

Chris Y.

Having you handle and help me with something that was well out of my control has been one of the biggest blessings I could ask for. Especially since I am going to be receiving disability, I was just so worried that they would take everything I have and I would not even be able to get basic things that I need to live. I appreciate all the help and phone calls with updates that I get!


Victor, after 3 years of working to get the IRS lien removed from my credit report so I could buy a home, I just wanted to let you know that my wife and I closed on our beautiful home yesterday! I know you worked hard to help us with the lien and I just wanted to thank you again for your efforts.


It’s been one thing after another for me and my grandson and I was in fear of losing everything to the IRS. Not only did they take care of everything, they graciously took care of our family during Christmas and helped provide us with Christmas presents when we were staring an empty Christmas dead in the face. Thank you, Polston Tax. As old as I am, I was certain I would die with this tax burden following my family. Now I don’t have to worry about that anymore. God bless you.

Anonymous Client

We had a very complicated case because we owned our own business and there was a problem with what was personal income and what was company income. It was a great relief having Polston represent us and it was evident at the beginning how experienced they were. They kept us informed, returned our phone calls and emails in a timely manner and shared step-by-step where we were in the process with the IRS. Every person we dealt with was knowledgeable about our case and were very personable and professional. We can’t thank them enough. They saved us thousands of dollars.

Anonymous Client

The past few years have been quite challenging as my husband was diagnosed with a significant chronic lung condition. I cannot begin to express how amazing these people are and how hard they work for you! My husband and I will forever be thankful and grateful for all of the many hours of hard work they put into securing a resolution with the IRS and the many prayers they spoke on our behalf. You will have a special place in our hearts forever!

Anonymous Client

I had 6 years worth of tax returns to file and I was not sure where to start. I had been through a very difficult time with the death of my oldest sister (cancer) followed by my Mother’s sudden death two years later. When I came for my appointment they made me feel so welcome. I immediately felt at ease and confident I had made the right decision in choosing Polston Tax. THEY ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY AND THEN SOME! From that day on I was able to wake up with a renewed sense of hope for my future. That I might just get through this and be able to move forward with other dreams and goals. From the time of my first meeting with Victor to the time they manifested a resolution for both State and IRS it was less than 90 days! And because of their hard work, they were able to bring about the resolution before my case went into collection…saving me THOUSANDS of dollars! No matter what you have been through, no matter what tax issues you think you face, POLSTON TAX is truly the team you want on your side!

Anonymous Client

Words cannot convey how we feel right now for all you have done for us. It has been a long road to get here and we could have not got there without you. It was sometimes easier to just give up hope but we kept hanging on. No matter how many times I called concerned about a letter or just a question, everyone was always very helpful and did their best to reassure us.


Anonymous Client

I went to Polston with a tax problem I didn’t know what to do felt so comfortable talking to them. They put my mind at ease and worked out a payment plan so I could stay with them. They are the best I wouldn’t go anywhere else. They treat you with respect.

Anonymous Client

I could not be happier about the experience I had with Kylie and Christian at Polston Tax. Starting from day one when I had my consultation, they made me feel completely at ease. They promised the utmost customer care, detailed information about the process, fair pricing, and excellent results, and they really did deliver on each point. I am thrilled about the way everything went, and it’s not an overstatement to say my life has changed. Christian and Kylie were incredibly kind and empathetic, and they were never irritated by my many questions. I absolutely recommend them if you need some peace of mind and want fantastic results.

Anonymous Client

If there were more stars available – I would give them. I have been with Polston for 5 years now and will stay with him for however long he is doing this! My first contact with him was because I had forgotten to file my taxes one year (did the file for the extension thing – then forgot). Because of that the IRS decided to go back and check a few years and decided that I owed them tens of thousands. Rod didn’t judge, he dug in and saved me thousands.

Anonymous Client

I can’t say thank you enough! You have made this situation tolerable! I know the IRS has teeth, but somehow I’m no longer afraid. That is because of you and your team!


Hillary is my accountant and I wouldn’t trade her for anyone! Excellent accountant and an even better person. She’s gained my utmost trust because it’s obvious she truly cares. I turned to Rod Polston at the beginning of 2014 in a very tough place and my mental state is so much better now. Hillary Watkins has truly made a huge impact in my life. She’s attentive to all the details and really helps to keep me on the right track. She’s as nice a person as you could ever hope to meet and someone I count as a true friend. Great Job Hillary!


The IRS hounded me in my dreams even and it was at my every waking moment I wondered what they were going to do to me… Everyone at Polston Tax was so caring and professional and always reassuring me that they would get things worked out for me. A large weight was lifted off my shoulders.


I was depressed, felt like the world was against me and felt totally hopeless. I had the fear of my accounts being frozen and I had a tax lien on my property. Polston Tax was always friendly and supportive. I called crying once and by the end of the call I was actually laughing. I always felt better afterwards. Now I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted. I now feel like I can look up instead of my head held down.


I constantly had letters from the IRS. I worried about what I was going to do everyday.  From the moment of our first meeting I felt relief.  I felt I knew I was going to get out of this.  It was only a matter of time.


Before this settlement, life looked pretty bleak.  We couldn’t talk about hopes and dreams.  The stress was crippling.  Depression and anxiety was our “new way of life.”  Your extremely positive, understanding, and simply wonderful staff got us through times we could not otherwise have gotten through.  We are now hopeful again and can enjoy talking about our dreams together.  You and your staff gave that back to us.


Polston Tax was a life saver for me.  I had my taxes before taken care of by a shady group.  Your corporation went to battle for me like a marine would give his life for another marine.  I am very proud to have been a marine and proud to have served people like you.


Our client was a contractor who had worked off-shore on oils rigs for several years and had created an LLC to help him stay in compliance with the IRS. Our client had tried to go to another local firm to have his $700,000 tax liability settled but said after two years nothing had been done and his bank account was levied. He came to us hoping to finally resolve his tax troubles. After getting his financials together, we decided that the best course of action would be to try and get him into a payment plan he could afford. After aggressively negotiating with the Revenue Officer, we were able to get our client into a Partial Payment Installment Agreement for $25/month, which saved him over $710,000!

Team Member

Our client was ahead of his taxes until the IRS audited him and assessed extra tax balances. Our client was retired but had previously owned a business. He came to us with a tax lien and years of unfiled tax returns. Before we could get a resolution, we first had to file his unfiled returns. Once he was in compliance, we were able to appeal the lien and get it removed. It was shortly after we got the lien withdrawn that our client’s wife was diagnosed with cancer. This dropped our client’s income drastically as the wife could no longer work. Our attorneys were not only able to temporarily put our client in Currently Not collectible status and get the Social Security levies released, but they were able to get over $15,000 in penalties abated for our client! We then got all the necessary paperwork from our client and filed an Offer in Compromise. After a year of negotiating with the IRS our OIC was approved for $85, saving our clients over $160,000!

Team Member

One client we helped is a manufacturing business owner that always filed his tax returns for previous years, but fell behind on his payroll tax payments and ended up owing over $1 million to the IRS. Facing levies and liens, he decided to come to Polston Tax and get help resolving this issue. Once we completed his financial analysis, we appealed the Final Notice he received to prevent levies so he could keep his business running. Once the levies stopped, we decided to tackle his personal and business tax liability at the same time by filing an Offer in Compromise for both. After the IRS finally assigned an Offer Specialist, we negotiated an affordable payment for both liabilities and got both Offers accepted! In the end, we saved our client $1,030,827 and allowed him to keep his business running!

Team Member

When owning a business, it is important to keep your business’s finances separate from your personal finances as this can cause big problems if you are ever audited by the IRS. One of our clients unfortunately didn’t follow that rule. Our client owned an insurance office and would take money out of his personal bank account to pay for marketing and advertising expenses and then reimburse himself through his business account. Unfortunately, he did not keep the proper records for these expenses and when the IRS audited him, he had no way to prove these expenses occurred. Our client also switched accountants and the new accountant made errors on their tax return that triggered the audit. When this client came to us, the IRS was saying he owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes and needed to pay. Luckily, our firm was able to fix the errors made by the previous accountant and comb through the company’s financials to try and provide substantiation for the expenses the IRS was trying to disallow. After negotiating with the IRS, we were able to get a new assessment that substantially lowered the amount of taxes our client owed. In the end, we saved him over $142,000 and settled his tax problem once and for all!

Team Member

One of our clients started a business with one of their friends and ended up owing the IRS thousands of dollars due to bad bookkeeping. Our client’s business partner didn’t put their name on any of the businesses’ documents and didn’t pay any taxes the business owed. After starting a new job, our client hired another tax attorney to help him resolve his tax problem. Unfortunately, all the attorney did was file a few of his missing tax returns and get him into a temporary resolution. Our client came to us desperate to fix his resolution permanently as he was now ill and could no longer work. After getting the rest of his tax returns filed, we went ahead and calculated how much he could afford to pay the IRS. We then negotiated a $25/month Partial Payment Installment Agreement with the IRS. This not only solved our client’s tax liability once and for all, but it saved them over $150,000 in the process.

Team Member

Most of our clients are assigned Revenue Officers because they have a large tax liability and haven’t made attempts to settle their balance. One of our clients owed almost half a million dollars to the IRS and was desperate to get her tax liability resolved. She owed for several tax years and owed the state thousands of dollars as well. After getting our clients tax returns filed and getting her into compliance with the IRS, we started working towards a resolution. We decided an Offer in Compromise (O.I.C) would be the most ideal outcome for her situation. Our firm submitted the OIC and waited nearly a year before the IRS finally responded and assigned an Offer specialist! We aggressively negotiated the OIC payment arrangement with the Offer Specialist hoping to get something our client could afford. The IRS finally accepted the OIC months later and we were able to settle our client’s tax liability once and for all saving her almost $450,000 in the end!

Team Member

Our client’s tax problem started all because of a piece of land that he bought. Our client had sold a piece of land and the IRS audited him because they claimed he had profited more than he had claimed. The IRS claimed our client owed $8 million dollars and ended up putting a lien on his house and started to garnish his wages. After speaking with our client and going over his tax documents, we realize the IRS put the decimal in the wrong spot when the IRS was putting in how much our client owed, resulting in a much larger tax liability. Our first step was to show the IRS the error that was made and get it corrected. We then filed an Offer in Compromise to help settle our client’s tax liability. After we were able to file the missing returns, we were able to get the IRS to agree to a $25 offer, settling our clients tax problems and saving him over $108,000 in the end!

Getting into an installment agreement can help end your tax problems, but if you’re not careful, you can default and have more tax issues. That is what happened with one of our clients who ended up defaulting their installment agreement two times! Our clients had a tax liability due to several years of not being able to afford their taxes and came to us for help. We were able to set up an installment agreement for the clients and helped them avoid any liens or levies. Our client’s installment agreement ended up defaulting after they did not pay their taxes for the next tax year. We were able to negotiate a new installment agreement with the new tax liability and settled our client’s case again. Later on, our clients had their tax return reconfigured by the IRS after they didn’t account for their gambling winnings of over $100,000. This increased their tax liability exponentially and ended up defaulting their installment agreement once again. By the time the second installment agreement defaulted, our client had lost his job and was living off Social Security. We were able to not only appeal the threat of a levy that our client received, but we were able to set up a third and final installment agreement for our client. We were able to secure a Partial Payment Installment agreement for $25/month, which saved our client over $245,000.

Our client used to run a trucking business and fell behind on his taxes which created a tax liability of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Luckily, some of his balances expired due to time limits and he was able to get himself into Currently Not Collectible Status. This client came to us because he wanted to get rid of the liens the IRS had kept on his property when he went into CNC status. After going through our client’s financials, we realized after bills and expenses, our client had a monthly disposable income of $0. With that information, we submitted an Offer in Compromise to the IRS and waited. After a few months, the Offer Specialist tried to speak to our client, instead of us, to get financial information he could use against our client. Luckily, our client called us immediately and we contacted the Specialist. After some tough negotiating, we were able to secure an Offer for our client and saved him over $150,000!

Our client had a business buying and selling cell phones until the IRS audited him. The IRS claimed he owed almost $800,000 because they were disallowing all his claimed expenses. Our client contacted the FBI to make sure his business was legal and was told it was, but still the IRS would not allow any of his expenses. The audit ended up putting our client out of business. He decided to come to us after he became worried the IRS would go after his wife’s income and finances. After appealing the IRS’ attempt to levy our client and holding a CDP conference with the IRS, we filed an Offer In Compromise hoping his minimal income and assets would allow him to pay very little for his large tax liability. Our firm was able to negotiate a $25 Offer, which saved our client over $780,000!

Team Member

A client we were able to help was diagnosed with terminal cancer years ago and so he stopped filing his taxes. After being out of work for a few years, his cancer went into remission and he was able to start working again. It was then that the IRS put a levy on his paycheck. When our client came to us, he hadn’t filed his tax returns in almost 10 years. The Polston Tax team was able to file all his missing tax returns along with getting the levy on his wages released so he could have income again. After going through our client’s financials, we realized he didn’t have the money to make monthly payments to the IRS. We worked vigorously with the IRS to prove our client’s hardship and get him approved for Currently Not Collectible status. Now our client doesn’t have to worry about making monthly payments and has saved over $120,000.

Team Member

Our client was a contractor with several health problems that led to a severe tax liability. Owing almost $200,000, our client was facing levies along with the possibility of getting fired from his job. Due to double knee surgery and an open-heart surgery, our client wasn’t able to work making his income very minimal. After learning this and going through his financials, we decided the best avenue for him would be to file an Offer in Compromise (OIC). Our team worked with our client to get all the necessary paperwork together, so we could file the OIC. After we waited several months for the IRS to assign an offer specialist, we were able to start moving forward with the offer. After going over some expenses, the IRS accepted our clients offer and we were able to save our client $152,946.75 in the end!

Team Member

If you don’t file a tax return, chances are that the IRS will file one for you and you usually will owe a large tax balance because of it. Our client hadn’t filed in 6 years and so the IRS filed Substitute for Returns (SFR) for all the missing years. When the IRS files SFRs, they do not take any tax deductions, tax credits or deduct any type of expenses. While we were putting our client’s financials together, he was levied even though we had filed all of the paperwork and paid the payments the Revenue Officer had asked for. Once talking to the IRS, we discovered that they had made a mistake and were able to get our client’s money refunded. After settling the levy issue, we were able to file all of the missing returns and we included the correct deductions and credits. This dropped our clients tax liability by over $207,0000 and allowed them to pay off the remainder of their tax balance all at once, settling their tax problems once and for all.

Team Member

Taking money out of your retirement account too early is one of the fastest ways to incur a large tax liability. This client for instance retired from being an airline pilot and took out of his retirement earlier than he was supposed to. Due to taking out of his retirement, our client incurred a large tax liability and was struggling to pay it off. At the time, our client was divorced and was living on disability and Social Security income. He finally came to us after the IRS started levying his Social Security check. Once we were able to get his financials together, we got the IRS to release his levy and set him up in a temporary Installment Agreement to help prevent further levies. We discussed the different tax relief options with our client and decided a Partial Payment Installment Agreement was best because our client couldn’t afford a large sum payment. Our team negotiated an affordable PPIA with the IRS, letting our client pay off some of his tax liability and save over $100,000!

Team Member

Our client was a business owner who owned a trucking company and didn’t file tax returns for a few years. He fell behind on his tax payments after his wife passed away because he took some time off work. He decided to come to Polston Tax because his bank account was levied, and he wasn’t sure what to do. Polston Tax scheduled a Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing so we could talk to the IRS about our clients tax liability. After the CDP hearing, we filed an Offer In Compromise to try and settle the tax liability. The IRS ended up rejecting the offer because our client did not pay taxes on a settlement he receive due to an auto accident. Our client was then notified he was being audited. Our team worked with the IRS Counsel to help prove he wasn’t responsible for the income tax that was attached to his old business. Finally, after months of back and forth, the IRS Counsel conceded letting us know there was no deficiency in income tax due. This saved our client over $440,000 in the end!

Team Member

Some of our clients wait to come to get help until something bad happens like they get levied or have their paychecks garnished. Our client had her bank account levied and was unable to pay any of her bills. Our client’s real estate license was also due to expire and so we had to move quickly if we wanted to save her license. After putting together her financials, we reached out to the IRS and were able to get her bank levy released! This helped our client be able to pay her bills and not have to worry about money. Once we got the bank levy released, we then started working on securing a resolution for our client. Because our client had a large amount of medical bills and not a lot of income, we decided to file an OIC. Our office filed the OIC and then had to wait 12 months before the IRS finally reviewed the offer. After providing substantiation for our client, we were able to get the offer accepted and saved our client over $200,000!

Team Member

Our client had always paid his taxes on time until the unthinkable happened. Our client was in the residential building industry and due to the collapse in 2008, he had to file bankruptcy and couldn’t find a new job. With barely any income, our client couldn’t pay the taxes he owed from when he had a job. When he came to Polston Tax, our client was desperate to get his liability settled. After negotiating with the IRS, we got our client set up in a installment agreement. Due to some errors with the checks he wrote, the IRS defaulted his installment agreement and levied him. Our office stepped in once again and worked to get a second installment agreement set. This time the IRS defaulted his payment plan because he made a payment from his businesses bank account and not his personal. With few options left, our office secured a new Partial Payment Installment agreement for our client that kept his payments at $25/month. This not only saved him over $75,000, it also helped him stay compliant and not default his agreement!

Team Member

Our client lost everything in the market crash and moved to Oklahoma to try and start over. When our client came to us, he had not filed his tax returns in years and had a large tax liability. Once we had our client in compliance, we did a work up of their financial situation and found our client had very little money left over once they paid their bills. We used this information to file an Offer in Compromise. After filing, we waited months before the IRS even looked at our application. After an Offer Specialist was assigned, we started to negotiate on a settlement. During this time, our client found out they would owe for the upcoming year. We worked with the Specialist to not only get an affordable resolution for our client, but to get the new year’s balance included into the resolution. We were able to successfully secure an Offer for our client that ended up saving them over $89,000!

Team Member