You Can’t Escape the IRS – Even on Social Media


We know that the IRS will stop at nothing to collect money from taxpayers. That said, it is more than a little surprising to realize that they have taken to social media.

As explains:

“April 17 was the last day to file your federal tax return, and the Internal Revenue Service has taken to social media to spread the word.

In the past month, the agency everyone loves to hate sent 510 tweets out to remind people to pay their taxes on time, provide tips on how to file and on tax deductions, and to recruit people to work for them and collect your money more efficiently.

On Facebook, close to 1,350 people ‘liked’ the IRS fan page over the past year to receive updates on filing methods and other agency announcements, many of them accountants.

Sending money is often done on the go these days and people are used to checking their balances instantly. Perhaps that’s why over 400,000 people have downloaded the IRS’s phone app for iPhones, Androids and other smart phones, which enables users to check the status of their tax refund right from their mobile phone.

Though the idea of the IRS spending money to take in more of our money leaves a bitter taste, there’s comfort in the fact they are aiming to do it as efficiently as possible.”

For business owners and private citizens across the country, the fact that the IRS has taken to social media is simply another reminder of the size and scope of the agency. Many people refer to the IRS as “the world’s most brutal collection agency”, and it’s not hard to understand why. If you are in the midst of an IRS dispute, you may feel that you are completely out of options.

There is good news, however—you can resolve your tax disputes! But it won’t happen unless you act. It is up to you to determine that you are done with IRS disputes… and then take action. Give us a call today and let us help you create a plan of action that will enable you to put your IRS problems behind you.

The IRS’ recent expansion into the world of social media may not make a practical difference in your life—but it certainly serves as a symbolic reminder that the agency will do whatever it deems necessary to take your money!

If you’d like to explore your options regarding IRS disputes, call us confidentially or fill out our confidential contact form to schedule your FREE initial consultation.

Whether you are facing excessive penalties or IRS disputes of another nature, it’s important to understand that the IRS won’t leave you alone until you take action. Give us a call today and take the first step towards freedom from your IRS dispute!

Schedule a Free Consultation!

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